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Customize Engine Settings

In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of customizing your engine settings by configuring the nitro.json file

  1. Navigate to the App Settings > Advanced > Open App Directory > ~/jan/engine folder.
cd ~/jan/engines
  1. Modify the nitro.json file based on your needs. The default settings are shown below.
"ctx_len": 2048,
"ngl": 100,
"cpu_threads": 1,
"cont_batching": false,
"embedding": false

The table below describes the parameters in the nitro.json file.

ctx_lenIntegerTypically set at 2048, ctx_len provides ample context for model operations like GPT-3.5. (Maximum: 4096, Minimum: 1)
nglIntegerDefaulted at 100, ngl determines GPU layer usage.
cpu_threadsIntegerDetermines CPU inference threads, limited by hardware and OS. (Maximum determined by system)
cont_batchingIntegerControls continuous batching, enhancing throughput for LLM inference.
embeddingIntegerEnables embedding utilization for tasks like document-enhanced chat in RAG-based applications.
  • By default, the value of ngl is set to 100, which indicates that it will offload all. If you wish to offload only 50% of the GPU, you can set ngl to 15 because most models on Mistral or Llama are around ~ 30 layers.
  • To utilize the embedding feature, include the JSON parameter "embedding": true. It will enable Nitro to process inferences with embedding capabilities. Please refer to the Embedding in the Nitro documentation for a more detailed explanation.
  • To utilize the continuous batching feature for boosting throughput and minimizing latency in large language model (LLM) inference, include cont_batching: true. For details, please refer to the Continuous Batching in the Nitro documentation.
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